Our paycheck protects us against all sorts of risks. You are in a much better position to absorb unexpected bills, divorce, a lawsuit, or a 20 year bear market when you are employed and have a steady and dependable source of income. A paycheck also hedges you against inflation. Typically, your W-2 income will rise over time to account for …
Annuities: Fixed or Variable, Immediate or Deferred?
I began questioning how many people understand the difference between different types of annuities after I received an email this week from one of my Snider Investment Method™ Workshop graduates. Annuities come in a thousand different flavors and colors. No two are exactly alike. I think most people lump them together without understanding the difference. Or maybe they just think …
The Power of a Portfolio Paycheck
Suppose I buy a diversified portfolio of stocks hoping that over time they will increase in value so I can sell them. Until that happens, and I have consummated the sale, I have not made one thin dime. So, until that happens, I sit and I sweat. I worry about interest rates, the dollar, the economy, the possibility of terrorism. …